From the course: Fieldwire: Construction Field Management

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Task reports

Task reports

- [Instructor] As tasks get created and added to your construction project, you can always come back here to the task screen to view them, sort them and look at them on a calendar and in that Gantt view that we looked at in the last video. But you can also come here to generate reports that get emailed out to anyone you want let's take a look at that. To generate a report of our tasks, we just click on generate reports. We haven't created any yet so we're gonna click on new report and give it a title. We're gonna call the first one just a Sample Summary report. We'll call it Sample Summary, click on the blue checkbox and we'll get a dialog box that gives us lots of options for formatting this report. So for this first one I'm gonna leave this as a PDF Summary report and I'm gonna leave all of the defaults checked. When I generate this report I'm gonna include the plans and the page numbers. I don't care about any deleted content, here is where you can filter this report and only see…
