From the course: Fieldwire: Construction Field Management

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Punch or snag list items

Punch or snag list items

- [Instructor] During the course of your construction project, a few things are bound to get left off and a few things are bound to get damaged and in the traditional method of running a construction project, we would wait 'til the end of the project and we would all do a job site walk and find all those items and generate what we call here in the US a punch list, I think in other parts of the world you might refer to that as snag list and then everybody scrambles at the last minute to take care of all those items. So, if that's the way that you're running the project, you can use Fieldwire to facilitate that by going to Tasks and generating these punch list or snag list items here in Tasks. You can actually create a new task and just call it Punch List and then create a big checklist here in that particular task, so, you just have one task that's called Punch List and then a big checklist of items. That's one way to do it. What I'm gonna talk about here though is what I think is a…
