From the course: Fieldwire: Construction Field Management

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Inserting plan revisions

Inserting plan revisions

- [Instructor] As your construction project progresses you're gonna have some changes, as these changes happen we end up with plan revisions, and keeping track of which revision is the most up to date and getting that latest drawing in the hands of the people that need it out in the field has always been difficult when we worked with paper drawings. In Fieldwire this version control and distribution of digital drawings is easy and it's automatic, so let's take a look. We have this Version control button over here, let's go ahead and click on it and see what happens. We get a dialog box, and what this dialog box is currently telling us is that we only have one version of the drawings in this project. Those Issued For Construction drawings that we added, when we created the project. Now I can click the Edit button to change the version description and add any notes that I want to and I'm gonna go head and do that right now. I'm gonna click on Edit, by default Fieldwire places the date…
