From the course: Fieldwire: Construction Field Management

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Export as-built drawings

Export as-built drawings

- [Instructor] By the time you've finished your construction project, you will have created a lot of documentation and information that's stored here in Fieldwire. As you close the project out, you're gonna wanna get that information out of Fieldwire so that you can archive it in case you need to find it again later. And there are several steps to getting that information out. We'll start by looking at how we extract all of the information on the construction drawings that we've generated during the course of the project. So, basically what I wanna do is extract and export all of my construction drawings and in doing so, I wanna export them with all of the markups that I've added to them. A really easy process, just go to the Plan view and click the checkbox next to All Plans. That selects everything that you have stored in the project. And go up to the Actions button, click that, simply select Export. When you do that you'll get a message that says your export's being generated and…
