From the course: Fieldwire: Construction Field Management

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Comparing sheets

Comparing sheets

- [Instructor] When I decide to ditch my paper drawings and go digital with Fieldwire, not only is my version control easier like I showed you previously, but I also have the ability to compare plan sheets. Let's take a look at how that works in Fieldwire. So let's look at the plan revisions that we uploaded in the last video and one of those was our sheet A-102, our foundation plan. Let's go ahead and open that drawing, and if we scroll down here, it's says we are looking at the revision one drawing that we created in the last video, so that's perfect. That's the current version. When I click on the down arrow, I can see I have two versions, the Rev 1 version, and then the 100% issued for construction drawing which is now old and out of date. So go back to my revision one drawing, my current drawing. I also have the option here to compare drawings, so let's click on Compare. And it's gonna default here to comparing our revision one version to the old version, the 100% issued for…
