From the course: Fieldwire: Construction Field Management

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Adding tasks to the plans

Adding tasks to the plans

- [Instructor] Let's go back to our Plan view. And pick Sheet A105, the first floor plan. I just wanna show you one more way that you can use Tasks. So you can create tasks from that Tasks view. You can also create tasks from the Plan view. And I'll zoom-in here and click on Add a Task. And in this case, I have a little bit different task icon because I'm gonna drop it right here on the plan sheet and call this Fix the Drywall. And we'll make that a priority one item so that the task turns red. And again, I would go through and follow all the same steps to assign that task and put information in for that task. But now when I do that, this task appears on the drawing. So anybody that looks at this particular drawing can see that there's an open task. And when you hover over it, the task is Fix the Drywall. So it's a great way to get information out to the entire construction team without having to send emails. Every time they look at this plan sheet, they're gonna see there's an open…
