From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

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When to manage vs. facilitate

When to manage vs. facilitate

- One questions I'm often asked is when do I manage my team and when do I facilitate? It's a great question and while over time it'll feel more fluid to oscillate between managing and facilitating let's talk about the differences between the two to help use get started. To do so, we can focus on the activities involved in managing and how those differ from the role of facilitating. There are four primary activities that are involved in management. The first is setting goals, priorities and expectations. This is about creating clarity for your team on what success looks like. The second is determining metrics. As with any business, measurement is critical and owning the progress of your key metrics is a core part of your job as a manager. And third is performance management. This is the ongoing conversation between you and your team regarding their performance and how it supports the objectives of the team. Fourth, filtering information from above and across. As a manager you're…
