From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

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Time constraints and bias to action

Time constraints and bias to action

- We live in a fast paced world with multiple competing priorities. As a leader, we can often feel pressure to drive decisions and keep things moving forward at the pace we like. In driving decisions, sometimes we can exert too much power influence over the way things are done ultimately disempowering your employees. When people feel disempowered, it's not just in the moment. It often has a lasting effect on them and the broader team driven by a team member feeling undervalued. Here are just a few ways disempowerment and feeling undervalued can impact the long term. First, team members can lose motivation. When people feel disempowered, it can lead to a narrative of feeling undervalued and why put in full effort when you don't feel valued? Second, they can lose trust in you as a leader and the team. When people feel disempowered and undervalued, they can often feel like they're not given a chance and have no rationale for why not so your integrity can be questioned which leads to the…
