From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

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The role of facilitation for a leader

The role of facilitation for a leader

- So what's the difference between being a facilitative leader for your team and hiring an external facilitator and what are the challenges and opportunities of being a facilitative leader? Well first, you are a content expert. In many cases external facilitators don't have the context about your team or your business. The challenge in this situation is that as a leader you can be tempted to consistently provide your opinion on the topic. I've seen countless times where a leader with the best of intentions will provide their opinion so often that eventually the team simply looks to the leader to make decisions and won't provide their own input. Meanwhile the leader, you, are often wondering, why isn't my team working together and bringing in great ideas? The good news is that if you're aware of this challenge it can be used to your advantage. If you can refrain from too many opinions and instead ask questions to further the teams thinking, you'll elicit deep trust from your team. This…
