From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

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The five elements of emotional intelligence

The five elements of emotional intelligence

From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

The five elements of emotional intelligence

- When you see a great facilitator, it often seems like their ability is innate. As if they've always known how to facilitate. That is certainly not the case and you too can learn how to incorporate facilitation skills into your leadership toolbox. There are six core skills to be a great facilitative leader. Emotional intelligence, connecting dots, active listening, powerful questions, engaging conflict and flexibility. Let's start by taking a deeper look at the first core skill, emotional intelligence. Many of us have heard the term, emotional intelligence. For those who haven't, or as a refresher, emotional intelligence or EQ for short is often defined as the ability to monitor your own and others emotions, discriminate between emotions and label them and use that knowledge to guide your thinking. The concept was popularized in 1996 by Daniel Goleman in his seminal book, Emotional Intelligence. Before that time, there was very little content on the topic. Since then, there's been an…
