From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

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- Facilitating for a team is hard work and when you're a leader of the team, it can often elevate the challenge. Part of what makes this hard is that it relies on a high level of flexibility. You need to be constantly aware for constituents, yourself, individuals in the group, the group as a collective and the environment. In doing so, you're like an orchestra conductor, always flexing with these four dynamics to ensure that you're helping the team reach their collective goal. So how can you get better at this dance? My suggestion is that you start with being explicit with your team. Let them know that you're trying to improve your facilitation skills to empower them more effectively. Also, let your team know you'd appreciate their help in learning and that you plan to lay out your plan for them along with intermittent surveys to receive their input then in doing so, you can start to practice, learn and iterate. To practice, pick a specific, repeatable meeting where you'll have the…
