From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

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Engage conflict productively

Engage conflict productively

- Do you ever find yourself frustrated at someone and you want to say something, but you stop yourself because you believe it will hurt or even end your relationship? If so, you're certainly not alone. This avoidance of conflict is a common behavior, and in most cases it creates lasting issues for ourselves, for our relationships, and for the outcomes of our business. When conflict's not addressed, we often get annoyed with ourselves, so we create blaming narratives about others, and ultimately this more deeply hurts our relationship and our productivity. The ability to engage conflict productively is an important skill for any leader and more specifically a facilitative leader who's trying to help others with the same issue. Doing so is important for two key reasons. First, you'll be modeling the way for your team. I speak often to leaders who want their team to exhibit a skill, such as coaching, yet they're not exhibiting it themselves. The chances of your team engaging in conflict…
