From the course: Facilitation Skills for Managers and Leaders

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Balancing authority and letting go

Balancing authority and letting go

- Like most things worth doing, being a successful facilitative leader is not easy. As a leader, you may be used to providing your wisdom, solving problems, and guiding the team, instead of helping them find these solutions for themselves. The challenge is that most of us as leaders don't realize that we're doing this too often. Often, there's a gap between the perception we have of ourselves and the perception others have of us and the environment we're creating. With the best of intentions we may still be micro managing our teams. So why does this matter? Well, as leaders our goal is to create a safe environment, empower our teams to operate independently, and free up our own time. Constantly expressing our view points and authority either explicitly or more subtly hurts our ability to reach those goals. So how can we address this challenge? Here are four simple ways to do so. Identify low risk opportunities to facilitate. If you're someone who's used to providing your input and…
