From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Skewness and kurtosis

Skewness and kurtosis

- [Speaker] Mean, median, mode, even standard deviation, in most cases, these words sound pretty familiar even for those of us that are new to statistics. But how about skewness and kurtosis? Those might be new concepts for most of you. So let's see how these two statistical concepts can be useful in trying to understand our dataset. As we've already discussed, in nature, data often takes the shape of the normal curve, a curve that is symmetrical on each side of the mean, a curve where the mean, the median and the mode are identical. And the normal curve is often presented as being centered at a mean of zero and having a standard deviation of one. Also, as has been discussed earlier in this course in nature, data sets for a population they very often reflect the normal distribution. Many population data sets look very much like the normal curve. All this being said, our sample data sets and sometimes even a population data…
