From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Random number generator

Random number generator

- [Instructor] Throughout this course, we'll be looking at a lot of data sets. In most cases, they're data sets I've created, and those data sets are often there to prove a point or expose something that hopefully you'll find interesting. Ultimately, though, it's important that these lessons work not only with my pre-prescribed data sets, they must also work out there in the wild, at work, at school and maybe in your data hobbies. And in this course with data sets we've never seen before. Therefore, I'll often be using random number generator functions within Excel to put our lessons into action. So yes, some segments of these videos will be freestyled and I'm sort of excited or maybe nervous to see what types of interesting things we might encounter. Here are five different ways to generate random numbers in Excel. There are actually other techniques but this should be enough to get us started. I'm not sure we'll use…
