From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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- [Host] Suppose your annual salary is in the 95th percentile. Is that good or bad? How about if your exam score was in the 10th percentile? Good or bad? A percentile tells us to percentage of people below you. So 95th percentile salary, good. 95% of all salaries are below yours. You are among the top 5% in salaries 10th percentile exam score, not good. Only 10% of test scores are below your score. Or if you want to try and put a positive spin on this, your score is among the top 90% of the scores in the class. Let's continue this discussion with exam scores. Look at these 10 scores from a 20 question test. Student C got two questions wrong, so they got 18 questions right out of 20 questions. That's a score of 90% on the exam, but be careful, they are not in the 90th percentile of this class. That would mean that 90% of scores, 9 out of 10 students, would have lower scores than student C. As we can see, they have the…
