From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Normal curve and normal distribution

Normal curve and normal distribution - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

Normal curve and normal distribution

- [Narrator] The normal curve. You probably have an idea of what it looks like. Often it's referred to as the bell curve, and it's pretty easy to see why, but what exactly is the normal curve, and what are some of its key characteristics? First, the curve represents all the possible outcomes in a distribution, a normal distribution. If we had the heights for all the people in a large city, we would expect the histogram to look similar to the normal curve. This is why we say the area under the curve is equal to one. It represents 100% of all the possible outcomes. Every person in the city is represented by that curve, and similar to our histograms, the higher points on the curve represent the most likely outcomes. Second, the true normal curve is symmetrical. The area on the right side of the mean is identical to the area on the left side of the mean. In other words, the two sides of the curve perfectly mirror each other…
