From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Multiplication rule of probability

Multiplication rule of probability

- [Instructor] We have two dice, one red, one white. What are the odds we roll a six with both dice? Well, the odds of rolling a six on the red dye is one in six, 16.7%. The odds of rolling a six on the white dye is also one in six, 16.7%. To find the odds of rolling a six with both dice, we use the multiplication rule. We multiply the probability for each independent event, 16.7% times 16.7%. This tells us there is a 2.79% chance both dice will result in six. By the way, when we see a grid of all the possible outcomes, we see that there are 36 possible outcomes. Only one of those is double six. One divided by 36 is 2.79%. But let's consider a different scenario. Suppose I have a standard deck of 52 cards. I draw three cards. I will choose one card at a time. What's the probability all three cards will either be a 10, jack, queen, king, or ace? Let's use Excel and the multiplication rule to help us solve this…
