From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Means, medians, and modes

Means, medians, and modes

- [Instructor] Whether our dataset is big or small, people typically want to find the middle of the dataset. And even though you know the largest and smallest data point in your dataset, I wonder, is the middle of the dataset exactly in-between those data points? Well, there are two functions often used to identify the middle of the data set. The first is the mean, also known as the average. The average is the sum of all the data points, in this case it's 300, divided by the total number of data points. Since we already discovered the count function and the sum function, we have these values. So if we divide the sum by our count, we'll see that the average is 60. An easier way to do this is to use the average function inside of Excel. So let's go over here and say, "Well, let's type in average." And there it is. Click on this. And I want to take the average of these numbers right here. Let me see. We got the same…
