From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Frequency table

Frequency table

- [Narrator] A frequency table is a very simple but very helpful tool when you're trying to get to know your data set. It allows you to put your data points into buckets. For example, with exam scores, it allows you to see how many students scored between 90 and a hundred, how many scored between 80 and 89, and so on and so forth. This table will then help us create a bar chart or histogram that represents the same distribution in graphical form. In this video, we'll focus on a few different ways you can create a frequency table in Excel. In our next video, we'll use the same table to create the histogram. Okay, let's get started. So, when we have a really small data set as we see right here, five test scores, we don't really need a frequency table, do we? We can tell that there's one exam score in the 60s, one in the 70s, one in the 80s and that there are two in the 90s. The issue is when we have 221 test scores and…
