From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

Exercise files

- [Instructor] The exercise files that come with this course are meant for you to follow along with my work and the videos, and they're there so you can practice working with statistics in Excel. Each one is named with the chapter number followed by the video number. For example, this particular file is named 0101 Basics and it'll be used in chapter one, video number one. By the way, I'll be working in Excel on a Mac. Your version of Excel may be a bit newer or older or perhaps you're working on a PC. Nonetheless, most of what I'll be doing on Excel will be the same or at least very similar to what you will see on your version of Excel. There may be some exceptions, but since most of the content in this course is foundational, I'd expect that you'll be able to follow along. Also, remember, with both Excel and statistics there are usually multiple ways to arrive at the same solution. All that being said, please be sure to download those exercise files Excel and statistics require practice. Those files will really help you as you go through this course.
