From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Discrete: Standard deviation

Discrete: Standard deviation

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we were able to calculate our discrete mean given a frequency table. It was pretty easy, but now we want to calculate the discrete standard deviation and this is going to take a little bit more effort. So we're going to go to a new tab. And while I kept all of my information from the previous tab that helped me calculate my discrete mean of 1.77, I now have extended this and have included a number of other tables. And while not all of this would necessarily be the easiest way to do this, I wanted to make it such that it was easy for you to follow. So we'll be using a lot of information from this previous frequency table in our new table over here. So let's begin to calculate our discrete standard deviation for this particular set of data. So the first thing that we're going to do is we need the mean and the mean's going to be the same all the time. It's going to be 1.77. So…
