From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Discrete: Mean

Discrete: Mean

- [Instructor] Imagine a study that is tracking the number of drinks each individual customer orders at a popular local cafe between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. This study is tracking discreet random variables. Each customer's order is presently unknown. Thus, each order will give us a random variable, and each customer will order a discreet number of drinks, one, two, three, six, perhaps even zero if they are just ordering food. The important thing to realize is that all orders will result in a discreet number of drinks, whole numbers, integers, no fractions or decimals. You can't order 0.35 drinks. Let's head over to Excel and look at the data collected in this study. As you can see, we've been given a Frequency Table. The Frequency Table has told us here that three customers in this two-hour period ordered zero drinks, 24 customers ordered one drink, and so on. And so what we want to find out is what's the average number…
