From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Descriptive tool exercise

Descriptive tool exercise

- [Instructor] All right, we've just learned about how to use Excel's Descriptive tool with a few different data sets. Now let's put many of the topics we've covered in this course to work by using Excel's Descriptive tool and also the Histogram tool. So here are a few data sets that we've looked at at least a little bit throughout this course, the rainfall, NBA player heights, and some exam scores. But instead of building our means, our medians, our modes, our kurtosis, doing all of those one at a time, let's use the Descriptive tool. So again, we go up to our Data menu, Data Analysis, we go to our Descriptive Statistics, click OK. We want our input range to yes, be B. Columns. We do have a label in the first row, we want our summary statistics, and we're going to put our data into, let's say D1. We click OK, and here we go, our summary statistics. And we can adjust our decimals if we'd like. Notice we don't have a mode.…
