From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Descriptive tool

Descriptive tool

- [Instructor] So far in this course, we've learned about a number of descriptive tools and statistics, all of them helping us understand the size and shape of our data sets, giving meaning to our data sets, perhaps, even providing us some insight on how to make some good decisions. Yep, we've looked at quite a few tools and statistics. Each is relatively easy to find and develop when using Excel, and while we spent quite a bit of time learning about each tool and statistic, it's time to let you in on a little secret. Excel has some built-in tools that allow you to very quickly find and develop pretty much everything we've already covered in this course. Let's learn about Excel's Descriptive Statistics tool. So let's begin with our very small data set for this very small class, five test scores. What we're going to do is we're going to go up to the Data menu item. We're going to go over here to where it says Data Analysis…
