From the course: Excel Statistics Essential Training: 1

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Addition rule of probability

Addition rule of probability

- [Instructor] Let's say you have two coins, we flip both coins, what are the odds that the coin flips will result in at least one coin resulting in heads? To solve this probability problem, we're going to use something called the addition rule of probability. The addition rule of probability is often presented like this. The probability of A or B is equal to the probability of A plus the probability of B minus the probability of both A and B. Confused? Let's go back to our two coins. What do we want? We want at least one of the two coins to result in heads. Let's say probability A is the probability that coin number one results in heads. That's 50%. Let's say that probability B is the probability that coin number two results in heads. That also is 50%. But what is the probability that both coin A and coin B will result in heads? This is what we call the probability of both A and B. Well, here are all the…
