From the course: Excel: Market Research Strategies

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Regressions and survey data

Regressions and survey data

- [Narrator] Once we've cleaned up our survey data and put it together in a readable format, it often makes sense to go through and analyze it using a multi-variate tool like a regression. I'm in the zero three zero five begin Excel file. Now what we've got here, our data on a number of customers 63 in particular, that either bought or did not buy our product. We've surveyed these customers in advance and given them one of three different product configurations to review product configuration A, product configuration B and product configuration C. The customers also had different prices that they considered when buying this particular product or choosing whether or not to buy it I should say. Based on that, they gave us their purchase intent score, so they told us how likely they were to buy the product in advance. And then finally we tested whether or not these particular consumers who are exposed to an advertisement…
