From the course: Excel: Market Research Strategies

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Online survey marketing research

Online survey marketing research

- Questionnaires are a backbone of marketing research. Where traditional marketing research relied on in-person surveys and focus groups, new online tools are making it possible to get better data, faster and at a lower cost. There's a variety of providers out there for you to choose from, ranging from SurveyMonkey and Dynata as an example to, perhaps my favorite Qualtrics. So I'm here on the Qualtrics website and I've just pulled up an FP&A or financial planning and analysis survey, that I did a few years ago, in consultation with some industry partners and the goal in this was really to better understand, the needs of a backend corporate finance function at a corporate level. This was intended for use in a B2B marketing type application. But the idea with these online tools, is that they give you an easy way to go through and create a series of questions, related to your particular interest, and then they distribute…
