From the course: Excel for Marketers

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Navigating large data sheets

Navigating large data sheets - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Marketers

Navigating large data sheets

- [Instructor] When you're dealing with small amounts of data it's easy to navigate in Excel just by scrolling. But when you have lots of rows of data it's a completely different story. We'll cover some tips and tricks for coping with a lot of data without wasting tons of your time endlessly scrolling. So the first thing I want to introduce you to are the arrow keys. And this is what all of the power users do. You know, you'll find that they tend to navigate around the page using the arrow keys rather than using the mouse. And the reason why is, you know, obviously I'm just pressing the left arrow key here. And then the right arrow key, then down, then up. That's useful in itself. But if you press control, or command if you're on a Mac, and then left, then you bounce all the way to the left edge. And if I'm just still holding control, or you know, command if you're on a Mac, and press right, I go all the way to the right.…
