From the course: Excel for Marketers

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Introduction to task automation with macros

Introduction to task automation with macros - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Marketers

Introduction to task automation with macros

- [Instructor] Now, chances are you're going to be doing a lot of repetitive work in Excel. And the good news is that anything you can do in Excel can actually be automated with macros. Macros is kind of like the programming language that Excel uses behind the scenes. And if you know how to record a macro or edit one, then you can actually automate a lot of the work that you're doing. So the way that you access macros in Excel is if you go to View, and then over here we have Macros, and we're just going to click the dropdown and then we're going to click Record Macro. We're going to give it a name. So in this case, we're just going to call it Cleanup and we can actually assign it a shortcut key if this is something we're doing a lot. We can save it just in this workbook, or we can save it to a higher level and give it a description as well. Going to hit OK. And now we're recording and we can see if we click the…
