From the course: Excel for Marketers

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Building a top-down marketing plan

Building a top-down marketing plan - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Marketers

Building a top-down marketing plan

- [Narrator] We've all been in this situation. Your boss promises you more marketing budget, but only if you can tell them exactly what you're going to get for it. Let's walk through how to build a simple marketing plan from the top down to work this out. So we have our data for our funnel. This is how much we spent last month. These are how many impressions we made and then those impressions led to clicks, which led to conversions, and then revenue. We also worked out our metrics. So we have click-through rate, we have conversion rate, and so on and so forth. What we're going to do is we're just going to copy just these metrics here. I'm going to right-click and then paste special and then we're going to say paste special values. And what that's doing is it's taking these formulas and then just pasting the actual values here. So we're going to say if these values are the same again next month, then what would our ROI…
