From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Why do dynamic functions matter for FP&A?

Why do dynamic functions matter for FP&A?

- [Instructor] Let's talk about dynamic functionality and why it matters for FP&A. This question is best answered by comparing and contrasting traditional financial models with FP&A business and operating models. Now, on the right hand side, I show that for financial services, like investment banking or management consulting, you often see financial models that address specific objectives and usage. They focus on the financial statements or financial analysis. There's a transaction, a capital raise, a restructuring. When that objective is met, the investment banking associate or consultant moves on to the next one. This means that there is often limited maintenance and contained data, and as such, updates are infrequent. There isn't much flexibility needed, and dynamic functionality doesn't often apply here. However, take a look over here at the left hand side. In financial planning and analysis, or FP&A, we often build…
