From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Where does Excel fit into the FP&A tech stack?

Where does Excel fit into the FP&A tech stack? - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

Where does Excel fit into the FP&A tech stack?

- [Instructor] Excel is considered by some and even many in Microsoft's own leadership to be the company's greatest commercial success. It continues to be one of the most widely used software applications on the planet used by nearly one billion people in the financial sector. Excel continues to be one of the most popular financial modeling tools for investment bankers and management consultants. Excel is not going anywhere. However, in FP&A and in corporate finance, we work with significantly larger and more complex data sets than our counterparts in management, consulting and investment banking. So we require our business models and forecasts to be able to scale as time passes and as new data is retrieved. It's the manual and flexible nature of Excel that makes it such a popular tool for FP&A. But at the same time, it's that same manual and flexible nature of Excel that makes it so challenging to scale Excel for the big…
