From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Using UNIQUE for dynamic data management

Using UNIQUE for dynamic data management

- [Instructor] Identifying unique values in Excel used to be messy. What I had been doing, arguably, for about 20 years, is I would take a big data dump, put it into a PivotTable, and then basically just filter all of the values in a given column. I could count the unique values and ask, how many instances does it appear? But what if I had thousands of values? That's an absolute mess. And there was really no effective way of doing this without an extraordinarily complicated rigging of a bunch of different formulas. But times are different now, and after watching this video you'll be able to use the dynamic UNIQUE function to automatically capture unique values in a big dataset. So what the UNIQUE function does, is it returns a list of unique values in a list, or a range, and when you combine with SORT, you can arrange these unique returns in the way that you want. These are the elements of the syntax:…
