From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Using SORT and SORTBY for dynamic data management

Using SORT and SORTBY for dynamic data management - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

Using SORT and SORTBY for dynamic data management

- [Lecturer] Okay, now you might be saying, well, those are all good instances of understanding FILTER and UNIQUE, but the problem is all of it's out of order. Is there a way that we could put all of these dynamic spills in order? Absolutely. We are still going to talk about the UNIQUE function and we're still going to talk about the FILTER function, but instead of keeping them just by themselves, we're going to place SORT or even SORTBY in front of each of these dynamic array functions. Now, let's talk about what the syntax is. The SORT and the SORTBY functions, they sort the contents of a range or an array by a single parameter or multiple parameters. The SORT function has the syntax array, Sort_index, Sort_order, By_col. Now the array is consistent with all of our other functions, the range or array of cells to sort. The Sort_index is a number indicating the row or the column to sort by. Sort_order is just that is…
