From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Using FILTER for dynamic data management

Using FILTER for dynamic data management

- [Instructor] In years past, If you wanted to filter data in Excel, you would have to manually add a filter and manually filter it by clicking a bunch of buttons. When you wanted to refilter, you'd have to manually go into the filter and click different buttons. Well, those days are over, at least if you want them to be. While you can still do everything manually, if you so choose, after watching this video, you'll be able to use dynamic filters to automatically capture your desired data. Here's the syntax. =FILTER(Array, Include, If_empty). =FILTER(Array, Include, If_empty). Now, array consistent with other dynamic array functions is the range or array of cells that you want to capture. In this case that you want to filter. Include is an array of booleans, True or False, representing column or row filtering. And then if_empty is an option that allows you to return a certain value if no items are retained. Let's…
