From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Solution: Flexing data and dynamic ranges for an FP&A model

Solution: Flexing data and dynamic ranges for an FP&A model - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

Solution: Flexing data and dynamic ranges for an FP&A model

(bright music) - [Instructor] In this challenge, you are to put together a dynamic range using an offset function. But I nudged you to go a step further and I said that rather than start at the beginning of A34 the way that I had shared with you in the walkthrough, I actually encourage you to start at the end and move your way backwards. So let's take a look all the way down here at cell B53 and type in equals offset. Remember, the syntax for the offset function is reference cell, comma rows, comma columns, comma height, comma width. For the reference cell, instead of starting at A32 the way that I had done during the walkthrough, I'm actually going to start over here at N34 and I'm going to lock this cell on the column. What's my rationale for doing this? Well, I'm always trying to think ahead. In FP and A I'm always anticipating where I might go. And in this case, I might have additional values populate into column M, or…
