From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Introduction to OFFSET

Introduction to OFFSET

negative [Instructor] OFFSET is a function that has been around for a long time, and many people aren't very familiar with it. In my experience, utilizing it for FP&A is a total game changer, because it allows you to capture ranges of data in a dynamic way that INDEX and MATCH and XLOOKUP aren't able to do. It allows you to move from one place in the model to another, as well as capture dynamic heights and dynamic widths. Now, before we dive in, I will highlight that OFFSET is considered to be a volatile function, which means it's constantly recalculating, and this can bring about a notable burden on your machine if you overuse it. And for this reason, and often this reason alone, many Excel users try to stay away. But if you use it appropriately, OFFSET can be an extraordinarily powerful function, especially for FP&A applications where data is getting bigger and forecasts and budgets are moving forward with time. Let's…
