From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Challenge: Segmenting data for use in an FP&A model

Challenge: Segmenting data for use in an FP&A model - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

Challenge: Segmenting data for use in an FP&A model

(bouncy upbeat music) - [Narrator] Throughout these last several course lessons, you've watched me demonstrate a variety of dynamic array functions, sequence, filter, unique and sort. But you may have noticed something that I didn't do, something inconsistent with the essence of this entire course. You may have noticed that in the example where I demonstrated filter, I used static ranges, not dynamic ones. In the example where I illustrated unique, I used static ranges and static inputs, not dynamic ones. And in the sorting examples for sort filter and sort, I used static ranges and static inputs instead of dynamic ones. But guess what? Everything that I did was intentional because in this next and final challenge, you're going to be tasked with transforming these static data ranges, data sets and inputs into as much flexibility and dynamic functionality as you consider to be helpful to you. So go through these…
