From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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Challenge: Mapping dynamic data tables to an FP&A model

Challenge: Mapping dynamic data tables to an FP&A model - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

Challenge: Mapping dynamic data tables to an FP&A model

(upbeat techno music) - [Demonstrator] Marketing expenses are done for 2017 and 2018 and now it's going to be your turn. For this challenge, I'm going to ask that you open up file 0207 Red30 Tech Financial Statement Challenge, and for this challenge, you are going to map labor expenses for 2018. So I'm going to direct you down here specifically at rows 81, all the way down through row 89. Right here at E81, you have your dynamic header, which brings in labor expenses 2017. If you copy and paste this over, now you have a dynamic header that says labor expenses 2018. Now, to be able to import all of this data for 2018, remember we covered a few different options and it's up to you to decide which one you want to do. In the first example, we talked about XMATCH and Index. You're welcome to use that approach. In this example, we talked about applying some ifs against a dynamic table, which might be imported through something like…
