From the course: Excel for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

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An introduction to dynamic data tables

An introduction to dynamic data tables

- [Instructor] One problem many FP&A professionals have is they spend so much time on the data, getting it, cleaning it, positioning it, and synthesizing it so that it's teed up for their planning analysis or modeling work. The main reason this happens is the data just isn't in the form or the shape that it needs to be. Data that is messy, unstructured, and inflexible is a major inhibitor of FP&A efficiency and modeling effectiveness, which means that one of the goals that we should have in Excel and FP&A is to structure it in a way that it can be best utilized. There is a tool and functionality with an Excel that has been there for years. It's located to the left within your Insert ribbon, and it's called Table. Here is a very simple dataset. I've got columns A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, all the way over here to column M, 13 columns in total. On the left, we have order number, order date, and order type. Then, we…
