From the course: Excel for Engineering Professionals

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Which chart type to use

Which chart type to use

- [Instructor] I once read somewhere that data is just a story in numbers. Well, let me tell you a small anecdote. My son was once asked to write a report for a STEM project he was working on, and to his utter surprise, he got graded an E. Usually he's up there in the A grades. So I asked him to show that report to me. All it contained was a single table containing labels and numbers. "See?" my son said, "Absolutely correct and very easy to understand, so I don't get why I received such a bad grade." My point? Well, data may be a story told in numbers, but not many people speak numbers. Numbers only speak to people when you visualize them, and that is done by using charts. Excel has many different types of charts, so which should you choose? Where would you even start? If you want to tell your story using a chart, the first thing to decide is what is my chart about? Which story do I want to convey? Visualization…
