From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

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Laying out the data set in Excel

Laying out the data set in Excel

- [Instructor] This is data from a small business that's trying to understand their sales orders. So let's help them figure out what's going on in the data and construct a data story. The first thing that we're going to need to do is turn this into an Excel table. That's going to make our data easier to work with. So let's go ahead and do that. You can place your cursor anywhere inside this data range. Next, go to insert and click table. From here, make sure that the checkbox My Table Has Headers is selected. And when you're ready, you can go ahead and click okay. Now that you've created a data table, the first thing to do is give it a good name. I'm going to call it transactions. Again, this is going to make it easier to work with later on down the line. The other thing that I'm going to do, and you don't have to do it, is remove the banded rows. I just don't really like them. Now the next thing we want to do is add more…
