From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

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Enhancing data visualization with Excel add-ins

Enhancing data visualization with Excel add-ins - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

Enhancing data visualization with Excel add-ins

- [Instructor] Now that we've analyzed our data with pivot charts and pivot tables, it's time we further that data story by seeing if some of the content add-ins that are part of Microsoft Excel can enhance what we're already looking at. So let's go ahead and take a look at that. First thing I want you to do is go back to the data tab, make sure your cursor is anywhere inside the dataset. Go up to insert and we're going to insert a new pivot table on a new tab. Now once we've created a new tab here, I'm going to go in and call this add-ins. This is just to keep organized and I recommend you do the same. So I'm going to grab mine, drag it all the way over to the right. Just to make sure I know that it's the most recent step I'm doing. So one thing we haven't really looked at is the performance of each salesperson and trying to understand how they contribute to each activity. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to…
