From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

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Enhance the story with labels, titles, and other elements

Enhance the story with labels, titles, and other elements - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

Enhance the story with labels, titles, and other elements

- [Instructor] Now, let's head over to the Total Activities tab. Let's take a look at the chart that we created of the activities of this company. I think there's a few things we can do to actually make this chart more informative and to tell a data story. So, the first thing we want to do is really understand what is the distribution of each of these activities as a percentage of the whole. Now, I think the easiest way to do that is to take the data in cell B4 and divide it by the data in cell B9. Now, an issue here is when you do this type of work on a pivot table, what you see is that Excel presents these GETPIVOTDATA functions, and these are actually really annoying 'cause you can't really drag the formula down. So if you don't want these, what you want to do is click into the pivot table, go up to PivotTable Analyze, click the Options dropdown, and unclick, or I should say uncheck, and you can do that by…
