From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

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Engaging the audience with emotion, metaphors, and more

Engaging the audience with emotion, metaphors, and more - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Data Storytelling for Beginners

Engaging the audience with emotion, metaphors, and more

- [Instructor] Let's talk about telling a data story. Now, think of your favorite movie. It didn't just say the hero did this, or the hero did that. It actually took the hero on a journey. And we want to do the same for our audience. So I don't want you to overthink this. The easiest way to build a data story is to start with your setting or background. This is your 0.0 starting point. In this case, we have 200 items of data in our transactions. Next, we're going to go to our initial issue. You'll note that I put a negative next to it because that's going to be the first problem. So, many items were returned, but we do have a resolution. We still had a great year. June was our best month, but some of our salespeople are underperforming. That's a negative. So what are we going to do? Well, we can identify that six salespeople accounted for 47%, that's about 50%, and we recommend an intervention. We can identify who they are…
