From the course: Evaluating and Debugging Generative AI

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Your evaluating and debugging GenAI journey

Your evaluating and debugging GenAI journey

From the course: Evaluating and Debugging Generative AI

Your evaluating and debugging GenAI journey

Congratulations on reaching the end of the course. You should feel proud of what you've accomplished. Thank you for going on this journey with me to learn about evaluating and debugging GenAI. During our time together, you learn to troubleshoot common issues in GenAI models, employ tools and frameworks that aid in training and evaluation, develop ethical guidelines to mitigate bias, and deploy GenAI models to various environments. If you haven't pulled down the code examples, I encourage you to deepen your understanding and retain your newfound knowledge through hands-on exploration. You can continue your learning journey by watching my other courses: Fine-Tune Your LLMs, Building a Project with the ChatGPT API, and Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning. I've enjoyed our time together. Please follow me on LinkedIn so that we can stay connected. I enjoy speaking on the topics of AI and machine learning, so please consider me for your upcoming conference or event. Now…
