From the course: Ethical, Human-Centric AI Design

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Common terms used in AI and design

Common terms used in AI and design

From the course: Ethical, Human-Centric AI Design

Common terms used in AI and design

- While working in the AI space, you're going to hear a lot of terminology that you may not understand. Knowing these terms may be necessary to help you in discussions with your development and product teams. But these words are not just things that describe the complexity of AI. Understanding these words will help you and your team stay on the same page when creating your AI experiences. There are also words that we'll be using throughout this course. Let's take a look. First, let's talk about what artificial intelligence is. Artificial intelligence is a broad term that refers to different kinds of technology that allow computers to simulate human intelligence by perceiving, learning, and problem-solving. It's important to note that despite the concerns that AI will replace humans, that's not the case. Just because AI can simulate human intelligence, it will never be nearly as effective at being human as we are. Besides, someone has to design and implement the AI experiences that…
