From the course: Ethical, Human-Centric AI Design

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Common Principles: Data Rights and privacy

Common Principles: Data Rights and privacy

From the course: Ethical, Human-Centric AI Design

Common Principles: Data Rights and privacy

- Now let's talk about user rights and privacy. User privacy and data is a hot topic right now due to the public concern about how personal data is being used, which is a fair concern for us modern users of technology. Imagine you were in the middle of a conversation where you told someone that you had a dog named Sammy. If that person asks you about your dog, you would not find their question to be intrusive since you just told them about Little Sammy. Now, imagine if that person asks you about your sibling living in the next town, over whom you've never mentioned in the conversation, that would be unsettling and you would feel like they somehow invaded your privacy, although you're not sure how they did it. That's the feeling people get when companies sell their data to other companies in order to train their algorithms. And while there are moments when this may seem harmless, this could cause a long list of dangerous privacy issues for users. This could also cause issues for your…
