From the course: Essentials of Team Collaboration

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Clarify the team's goal and purpose

Clarify the team's goal and purpose

From the course: Essentials of Team Collaboration

Clarify the team's goal and purpose

- Think back to some of your worst most chaotic team collaboration experiences, why were they dysfunctional? It just might've been a lack of clarity on the what, the goals and tasks and the why, the mission or as I like to say, the so what, that makes people care about the goals and tasks. For me, one of my worst team experiences was while I was working on a project with a media client. We were preparing for a key milestone meeting with our client and one of our newer team members was charged with leading the session. During our preparation, it became clear that she had a very different vision for this session than others on the team and while we discuss the different views we never really reached agreement on our goals or ultimate vision for the session and guess what? It was a complete disaster. The client was asking us questions that we couldn't answer because we weren't in sync as a team. The net result was an…
